Oil paint, pencil, decorative paper, and paper mache sculpture on framed canvas
14” x 14” x 2 ½” / 2011 (NFS)
The moth has long been used in many cultures as a metaphor for death, birth, alchemy, change, faith, and spiritual journey to the light of the One. The saying, like a moth to a flame is representative of spiritual realization or the bliss of conscious contact with the Divine source of all.
At the time I created this piece, I was going through some deep, personal transformations. I wanted to make a self-portrait that reflected my desire to achieve peace and self acceptance. Thus, I made myself the flame, shining so brightly that moths were attracted to the light.
And then the day came when hiding my light became more painful than shining.
A variation on a quote by Anais Nin, And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.