Nevada Votes T-Shirt Design

Male model wearing Nevada Vote T-Shirt
Nevada Vote t-shirt modeled on a couple.

Project Details

Name: Nevada Votes T-Shirt

Client: Art by Montana Black

Date: August 2022

Category: Graphic Design

Project Description

Voting and civic participation are the bedrock of a healthy and functioning  democracy. I decided to contribute to the promotion of this type of civic engagement by creating a t-shirt design that is not only a reminder to vote but also a functional way for people quickly access their voter registration  and/or register to vote. The QR code works. When scanned by any mobile device, it will open a link to the Nevada Secretary of State website voter information and registration pages.

The design for this was inspired from my love of old-school travel stickers people would put on big steamer trunks. My intention was to create something pleasing to draw the eye in so that people noticing in the shirt would look at it long enough to read what it says and maybe take action to make sure they are ready to vote in the next election.

Purchase Nevada Votes Unisex T-Shirt