Blessed Unrest
Oil on canvas / 18″ x 42″ (sold)
Blessed Unrest, is speaking directly to the evidence about what is going right on this planet.
This image was inspired by a book entitled Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw I Coming by Paul Hawken (2007). In it Hawken states, “counting the number of environmental and social justice organizations around the world came up with an estimate that they’re 1 to 2 million organizations working toward ecological sustainability and social justice. I can easily imagine how many more organizations have formed since then. It is probably up to around 3 million or more.
My piece, Blessed Unrest, is speaking directly to the evidence about what is going right on this planet. A gathering of paper cranes flying through the countryside is a symbol of thoughts, intentions, and actions of peace gaining momentum and spreading their message of hope and collective healing across the land. We really are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the ones that are coming to save the day. It is not wishful thinking; it is a real and powerful arising of the human spirit finally waking up and taking responsibility for the mess we have made. It is incumbent upon every member of our human family to ask the question, “how can I help.” Once acknowledgment of a desire to help is made, answers and opportunities will come swiftly on the wings of love show the way.
Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken was first published in 2007 by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.